
See how Booka.place works in real life

Example with availability overview

booking on your site
Click to view the example live.

Example with book (and pay) now buttons

reservations booking
Click to view the example live.

Example with reservation request buttons

booking on your site
Click to view the example live.

Example with search bar and reservation requests

reservations booking
Click to view the example live.
Booking buttons for booking direct

Our clients

See how Booka.place works in real life

Direct booking buttons made possible by Deno Direct booking buttons made possible  AWS Cloud Computing Direct booking buttons made possible Jamstack Direct booking buttons Direct booking buttons made possible Nodejs Direct booking buttons made possible Serverless Direct booking buttons made possible  PayPal Logo Paddle Bunny
Direct booking site - French Tech BordeauxDirect booking site - fabriqué en France

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Booka.place est un service de:
LaDauze SAS, 24350 Montagrier, France
RCS Périgueux : 511 306 789 | TVA : FR15511306789
SAS au capital social de 10.000 euro