Direct Booking reservations

Technical Help

Availability calendar
Can I change the colors?
Yes, you can. This is done by adding a parameter, please see the advanced options.
Can I change the number of months?
Yes, you can. This is done by adding a parameter, please see the advanced options.
Can I change the width of the calendar?
Yes, you can. This is done by adding a parameter, please see the advanced options.
Is it multilingual?
Yes, you can use the option 'auto' to have the language automatically selected, or force the language to: en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl by adding a parameter. See the advanced options for an overview.
Advanced options
Add the following tags and the script tag to your web site.
An up-to-date availability calendar will be shown.
Live example:
Used html for this example:

        <bookaplace-avail name="test_demoboo" obj="0" fnr="000" lang=""></bookaplace-avail>
        <script type="module" src=""></script>
name="youraccountname" enter your account name.
obj="0" the accommodation nr, starting at zero (0).
fnr="000" enter the application number (000/001/002/..) if you have more than 1 copy of the application in your account.
bgcolor="red" background color for reserved dates.
color="white" fore color for reserved dates.
headerbgcolor="#3B3B3B" background color for header/bar.
headercolor="white" fore color for header/bar.
maxwidth="400" set the maximum width pixels. No unities, only a number.
minheight="250" set the minimum height of the total calendar in pixels. No unities, only a number.
fontsize="14" set the fontsize in pixels. No unities, only a number.
lineheight="1.1" set the line height in em. No unities, only a number.
maxdate="yyyymmdd" set the max date to show (default: 31 december next year).
curdate="yyyymmdd" set date that must be shown initally.
datefrmt="dd/mm/yyyy" select the date format. Only EU (dd/mm/yyyy) and US (mm/dd/yyyy) are accepted
weekstart="0" overrule the visible startday of the week (0=monday,1=tuesday,2=wednesday,3=thursday,4=friday,5=saturday,6=sunday)
cols="4" set the max. number of horizontal months (max. 6). The result depends on screen width.
lang="auto" set the language to en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl or enter 'auto' to follow the html document tag
How to install the app?
Apple iPhone/iPad
You can install the app on the home screen.
Please follow these steps:
  • Start Safari
  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • Open the Share menu, available at the bottom or top of the browser.
  • Click Add to Home Screen.
Apple macOS
  • Start Safari
  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • Open the Share menu, available at the bottom or top of the browser.
  • Click Add to Home Screen.
On Android, the installation differs by device and browser.

  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • The app shows an 'Add to home screen' button
  • Click the button and follow the instructions.
  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • Click Install or Add to Home Screen
Windows 10/11
On Windows, the installation procedure depends on the browser that is used.

  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • The app shows an 'Add to home screen' button
  • Click the button and follow the instructions.
  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • go to
  • Click Install or Add to Home Screen
On Linux, the installation procedure depends on the browser that is used.

  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • The app shows an 'Add to home screen' button
  • Click the button and follow the instructions.
  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • go to
  • Click Install or Add to Home Screen
  • go to
  • No account yet? Click 'Create a free account' and enter your name, email and domain name. An account is needed to prevent that anyone can edit your availability data.
  • Already have a account (free, lite or pro)? Enter your name and your password.
  • The app shows an 'Add to home screen' button
  • Click the button and follow the instructions.
Search bar
Can I show the results in a popup/modal?
Yes, this is the default setting. You can change and/or finetune this by modifing a parameter, please see the advanced options.
Can I show the results on my own page?
Yes, you can add elements on you own page. These elements will be replaced by the search results. You can change and/or finetune this by modifing a parameter, please see the advanced options.
Can I show the results on another page on my site
Yes, the search bar can show the results on another page on your site. This is done by adding a parameter, please see the advanced options.
Can I use the app to manage my bookings?
Yes, an app is available for easily managing your bookings.
Can I change the search bar holder?
The web component uses a shadow-dom, that can not be influenced from outside.
However, you can influence the parent element of the web component.
For example:

Used html for this example:

          <div style="background-color: aliceblue; padding: 10%; border-radius: 25px;">
          <bookaplace-all name="test_demoboo" theme="united" btnclass="info"
          <script type="module" src=""></script>

Copy and paste the code into the W3 schools editor.

Can I change the colors, padding, margins, type of ...
The web component uses a shadow-dom, that can not be easily influenced from outside.
However, you can select a theme and btnclass by settings these 2 parameters:

theme="" select one of the 26 Bootswatch 5 themes [not available for the availability calendar].
See all options on one page, fully working.
btnclass="" select primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-light, outline-dark. The effect depends on the chosen Bootswatch theme [not available for the availability calendar].

And you can use these more advanced 'tricks' to influence css inside the shadow-dom:

CSS-TRICKS: Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts

The Black information window responds to CSS in your main document. For example:
#msg2usert small { font-size: 70% } #msg2usert table { line-height: 1 }
will make this window smaller.

Can I use the booking bar as an availability calendar?
Yes, use the result-modal and these settings:

nobook="true" replaces the booking button in the result modal by the more info link (required!).
noprice="true" disables the display of prices/price calculations in the result modal and throughout the rest of the (booking) process.
nodefaultprice="true" disables the display of the default/base price in the result modal.

Don't forget to configure the minimal settings for each object, like descriptions, prices, discounts, guests, etc.

N.B. Even if you don't uses prices - a base price is required for each accommodation.
Accommodation is never visible in the search bar results
Please check if the price for the accommoation is set.
Accommodations without a base price will not be shown.
I see Javascript errors like 'window.resteModalE is not a function'
All known issues are caused by mixing different version at one page.
Please search in the code of the page for v1.1 and v2.0 (or newer), and update all to the newest version if you found multiple versions on the same page.
Is it multilingual?
Yes, you can use the option 'auto' to have the language automatically selected, or force the language to: en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl by adding a parameter. See the advanced options for an overview.
My menu/toolbar is hiding the popup
If you are using a so called 'fixed' element on your site (e.g. a menu bar) and this element makes the booking popup or the booking-bar result popup invisible then these options are available:
  • Try to add influcence the z-index in CSS
  • Force the booking-popup/result popup to start at a lower point by adding the param 'popuptop=60px'. You can use any value in stead of 60px, but please check the effects on a mobile device.
Prefill selection dates in the searchbar
Suppose you find a last-minute call somewhere on a forum/site and you have one or more objects available. Then you can respond with ?booka=20230130,20230131,2,0 behind the url of your site. This will open the search results with the available objects.

first yyyymmdd = arrival date Year + Month + Day
second yyyymmdd = departure date Year + Month + Day
then the required adults
then the required children
Advanced options: Results in a modal
Add the web component tags and script tag to your web site.
Your client selects the date and clicks search.
The web component opens a full-window modal to show your available accommodations (one object per type).
Each accommodation will show the price for the selected period and a booking button that will book the object, or a link for more information.
Live example:
Used html for this example:

        <bookaplace-all name="test_demoboo" theme="united" btnclass="info" result="modal" maxchild="2"></bookaplace-all>
        <script type="module" src=""></script>
Copy and paste the code into the W3 schools editor.

Required elements:
1. the bookaplace-all tag, with the result="user" parameter
2. the script that loads the module (one per page is ok)

result="modal" returns the results inside a modal.
name="youraccountname" enter your account name.
fnr="000" enter the application number (000/001/002/..) if you have more than 1 copy of the application in your account.
theme="" select one of the 26 Bootswatch 5 themes.
See all options on one page, fully working.
btnclass="" select primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-light, outline-dark. The effect depends on the chosen Bootswatch theme.
maxadult="10" set the maximum number of adults to be selected.
maxchild="5" set the maximum number of children to be selected. Enter 0 (zero) to hide this field.
lang="auto" set the language to en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl or enter 'auto' to follow the html document tag
nobook="true" replaces the booking button in the result modal by the more info link (required!).
datefrmt="dd/mm/yyyy" sets the date format. Only EU (dd/mm/yyyy) or US (mm/dd/yyyy) are accepted.
noprice="true" disables the display of prices/price calculations in the result modal and throughout the rest of the (booking) process.
nodefaultprice="true" disables the display of the default/base price in the result modal.
weekstart="0" overrule the visible startday of the week (0=monday,1=tuesday,2=wednesday,3=thursday,4=friday,5=saturday,6=sunday)
noalt="false" set to 'true' to hide alternatives shown in result modals.
popuptop="60px" sets the top of the result modal and booking popup. Use a valid top value, check effects on mobile devices.

N.B. Even if you don't uses prices - a base price is required for each accommodation.

Advanced options: Results inside your page
Add the web component tags and script tag to your site.
Then create an overview of all your accommodations (one per type) in your site.
Add a class to each accommodation: bookaplace_typeX
(X represents the type number)
Your client selects the date and clicks search.
The web component adds an extra class (.bookaplace_na) to all unavailable accommodation types in your code.
Also added are the calculated price for the selected period and the first free object, so the client can book this object.
You can modify the style of the bookaplace_na class yourself.

Live example:
Accommodation type 0
This element represents accommodation type 0.
Accommodation type 1
This element represents accommodation type 1.

Used html for this example:

          <bookaplace-all name="test_demoboo" theme="united" result="user" maxchild="0"></bookaplace-all>
          <script type="module" src=""></script>
            .bookaplace_na { opacity: 0.3; }
            .bookaplace_na::before { content:  " NOT AVAILABLE "; }
          <div class="bookaplace_type0"
              style="background-color: aliceblue; padding:10px; border-radius: 25px; width: 40%">
              <b>Accommodation type 0</b><br>
              This element represents accommodation type 0.<br>
              <bookaplace-btn name="test_demoboo" obj="0" fnr="000" lang="" btntitle="Book" theme="united">Book</bookaplace-btn> <script type="module" src=""></script>
          <div class="bookaplace_type1"
              style="background-color: lightsalmon; padding:10px; border-radius: 25px; width: 40%">
              <b>Accommodation type 1</b><br>
              This element represents accommodation type 1.<br>
              <bookaplace-btn name="test_demoboo" obj="1" fnr="000" lang="" btntitle="Book" theme="united">Book</bookaplace-btn> <script type="module" src=""></script>

Copy and paste the code into the W3 schools editor.

Required elements:
1. the bookaplace-all tag, with the result="user" parameter
2. the script that loads the module (one per page is ok)
3. an additional style class, named: .bookaplace_na (not available)
4. your own html code to present each of your accommodations
5. each accommodation requires a class named: bookaplace_typeX (replace X with 0 for the first accommodation, 1 for the second etc)

name="youraccountname" enter your account name.
fnr="000" enter the application number (000/001/002/..) if you have more than 1 copy of the application in your account.
result="user" returns the results inside a modal.
theme="" select one of the 26 Bootswatch 5 themes.
See all options on one page, fully working.
btnclass="" select primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-light, outline-dark. The effect depends on the chosen Bootswatch theme.
maxadult="10" set the maximum number of adults to be selected.
maxchild="5" set the maximum number of children to be selected. Enter 0 (zero) to hide this field.
lang="auto" set the language to en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl or enter 'auto' to follow the html document tag
datefrmt="dd/mm/yyyy" sets the date format. Only EU (dd/mm/yyyy) or US (mm/dd/yyyy) are accepted.
noprice="true" disables the display of prices/price calculations in the result modal and throughout the rest of the (booking) process.
nodefaultprice="true" disables the display of the default/base price in the result modal.
weekstart="0" overrule the visible startday of the week (0=monday,1=tuesday,2=wednesday,3=thursday,4=friday,5=saturday,6=sunday)
popuptop="60px" sets the top of the result modal and booking popup. Use a valid top value, check effects on mobile devices.

Options to enrich your HTML code:
<div class=".bookaplace_price"></div> actual price for the selected period.
<div class=".bookaplace_nights"></div> actual selected number of nights.
<div class=".bookaplace_discount"></div> actual discount (if any).
<div class=".bookaplace_guests"></div> actual additional costs by number of guests (if any).

(if any) - otherwise not displayed (display:none)
Advanced options: Results redirect to another page
Add the web component tags and script tag to your site.
Your client selects the date and clicks search.
The web component redirects to another page that also contains the web component and script tags and shows the results according to the choosen result parameter on that page.
This way you can have a search bar on your frontpage while showing all your accommodation on a separate page.

Live example:
Used html for this example:

          <bookaplace-all name="test_demoboo" theme="united"
          <script type="module" src=""></script>

Copy and paste the code into the W3 schools editor.

Required elements:
1. the bookaplace-all tag, with the result="" parameter
2. the script that loads the module (one per page is ok)
3. an additional page that actually shows the results
4. the additional page also contains the web component and script tags (see modal/inside your page options above).

result="" redirects the results to the url.
name="youraccountname" enter your account name.
fnr="000" enter the application number (000/001/002/..) if you have more than 1 copy of the application in your account.
theme="" select one of the 26 Bootswatch 5 themes.
See all options on one page, fully working.
btnclass="" select primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-light, outline-dark. The effect depends on the chosen Bootswatch theme.
maxadult="10" set the maximum number of adults to be selected.
maxchild="5" set the maximum number of children to be selected. Enter 0 (zero) to hide this field.
lang="auto" set the language to en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl or enter 'auto' to follow the html document tag
datefrmt="dd/mm/yyyy" sets the date format. Only EU (dd/mm/yyyy) or US (mm/dd/yyyy) are accepted.
noprice="true" disables the display of prices/price calculations in the result modal and throughout the rest of the (booking) process.
nodefaultprice="true" disables the display of the default/base price in the result modal.
weekstart="0" overrule the visible startday of the week (0=monday,1=tuesday,2=wednesday,3=thursday,4=friday,5=saturday,6=sunday)
popuptop="60px" sets the top of the result modal and booking popup. Use a valid top value, check effects on mobile devices.

Booking buttons
What is the difference between a PMS, a booking engine and a channel manager?
A PMS is an integrated hard and software management system that automates the full multi-user process of making reservations, checking guests in and out, delegating housekeeping tasks, handling of Point of Sales terminals, invoicing, price management, etc.

A channel manager is a software system that helps you managing your property across multiple different distributing channels.

A booking engine is a software system that helps you selling your accommodation on your (own) website. It offers your visitors 24/7 information about availability, the option to make a reservation. It generates, collects and distributes essential data about reservations, like prices, user name, email address and telephone number. It prevents double booking by automatically blocking reserved dates. is a booking engine with all the essentials of a channel manager built in.
What is the difference a booking engine and a form on my site?
A booking engine handles bookings, it shows available accommodations and/or dates, it calculates the right price for the selected date range and choosen options, it registrates the required data, updates your calendar and handles the confirmations etc. It can also handle the direct (credit card) payment of the booking.
Nowadays most visitors prefer direct booking above starting a mail conversation about all the required details with the risk of loosing the desired accommodation in the meantime.
The owner of the website can decide if a booking is legally binding or has to be confirmed first.
Is it multilingual?
Yes, you can use the option 'auto' to have the language automatically selected, or force the language to: en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl by adding a parameter. See the advanced options for an overview.
Can I change the titles?
Yes, you can use the title of the buttons by adding a parameter. See the advanced options for an overview.
Can I change the confirmation messages?
Yes, you can change the content of all messages yourself, even in multiple languages.
Can I use the app to manage my bookings?
Yes, an app is available for easily managing your bookings.
Can I change the colors, padding, margins, type of ...
The web component uses a shadow-dom, that can not be easily influenced from outside.
However, you can select a theme and btnclass by settings these 2 parameters:

theme="" select one of the 26 Bootswatch 5 themes [not available for the availability calendar].
See all options on one page, fully working.
btnclass="" select primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-light, outline-dark. The effect depends on the chosen Bootswatch theme [not available for the availability calendar].

And you can use these more advanced 'tricks' to influence css inside the shadow-dom:

CSS-TRICKS: Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts

The Black information window responds to CSS in your main document. For example:
#msg2usert small { font-size: 70% } #msg2usert table { line-height: 1 }
will make this window smaller.
With which editors can it be used?
It generates a totally independent web component that can be copied and pasted into any editor.
Tailor made instructies how to copy and paste are available for:
WordPress Classic editor, WordPress Gutenberg editor, WordPress Elementor, Wix, Jimdo, SquareSpace, Weebly.
Is it responsive?
Yes, the result automatically adjusts to any screen size.
The owner dashboard is best viewed with a desktop. Owners can also use the app to do the essential booking management on their phones/pads.
Is it really integrated in my site?
Yes, it consists of web components that are fully served from your own domain. There are no user-experience and SEO breaking iframes involved.
This means that your clients are not confrontated with unexpected redirections to third-party sites. Your clients do not have to re-select the already choosen accommodation again in a different environment, but keep the at first-sight selected accommodation on screen while booking.
Even credit-card payments are handled within your own website.
What payment methods are supported?
Inside Europe IBAN/SEPA Instant can be used (bank transfers within seconds between 23 EU countries), Also PayPal, Mastercard, VISA credit cards, iDeal, Sofort and other local payment methods are available.
Since sept. 2022 Mollie is integrated with the following payment methods: Apple Pay, VISA,Mastercard, American Express ao, iDeal, Vouchers, Sepa Direct debit, Bancontact, Cartes Bancaires, EPS, PostePay, Giropay, KBC Payments, Belfius, gift cards, etc. does not interfere with your money, payments by guests are made directly into your own Bank/PayPal/Mollie account.
What pricing options are available?
There are many options to automatically display the price of your accommodation.
The base price per accommodation can be influenced by the type of day, per season, length of stay, number of guests. You can compile, per accommodation, an unlimited number of periods with different prices (percentage or fixed), minimum number of obligatory days to stay... Besides this there are discounts, extra costs starting from x adults/children etc. etc.
You can add, per accommodation, unlimited checkout options with additional costs per night or per person per night or per person per booking or per booking.
My menu/toolbar is hiding the popup
If you are using a so called 'fixed' element on your site (e.g. a menu bar) and this element makes the booking popup or the booking-bar result popup invisible then these options are available:
  • Try to add influcence the z-index in CSS
  • Force the booking-popup/result popup to start at a lower point by adding the param 'popuptop=60px'. You can use any value in stead of 60px, but please check the effects on a mobile device.
Advanced options
Add the button tags and the script tag to your web site.
Your client click the button and a booking window pops up.
Live example:
Book Used html for this example:

        <bookaplace-btn name="test_demoboo" obj="0" fnr="000" lang="" btntitle="Book" theme="united" btnclass="info">Book</bookaplace-btn>
        <script type="module" src=""></script>
name="youraccountname" enter your account name.
obj="0" the accommodation nr, starting at zero (0).
fnr="000" enter the application number (000/001/002/..) if you have more than 1 copy of the application in your account.
theme="" select one of the 26 Bootswatch 5 themes.
See all options on one page, fully working.
btntitle="" the text that will be visible on the button.
btnclass="" select primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-light, outline-dark. The effect depends on the chosen Bootswatch theme.
lang="auto" set the language to en/nl/it/fr/de/pt/es/pl or enter 'auto' to follow the html document tag
datefrmt="dd/mm/yyyy" sets the date format. Only EU (dd/mm/yyyy) or US (mm/dd/yyyy) are accepted.
noprice="true" disables the display of prices/price calculations in the result modal and throughout the rest of the (booking) process.
nodefaultprice="true" disables the display of the default/base price in the result modal.
weekstart="0" overrule the visible startday of the week (0=monday,1=tuesday,2=wednesday,3=thursday,4=friday,5=saturday,6=sunday)
popuptop="60px" sets the top of the result modal and booking popup. Use a valid top value, check effects on mobile devices.
Settings Examples
It doesn't work...
Please check the following minimum steps:
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Check if you entered a DISPLAY NAME
  3. Scroll down and check if you entered a DEFAULT PRICE PER NIGHT
  4. Scroll down to INTEGRATION ON YOUR WEBSITE and click 'create booking button'
  5. Copy the code and paste it into your editor.
  6. Click the 'Update' button in the menu bar
  7. Refresh the page in your browser (or empty the cache)
Only accept arrivals on saturdays
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Scroll to 'Requirements per season'
  3. Click on an empty line below 'Descr' and enter the description for this period
  4. Click in the 'From' field and enter the start date of this period.
    If you want to use this option continuously, enter '2022-08-23' (today)
  5. Click in the 'To' field and enter the end date of this period
    If you want to use this option continuously, enter '2025-12-31' (the future)
  6. Click in the 'Arrival' field and select 'sat'
  7. Click 'Update'
  8. Check that the option works as you intended.
Give a discount of 7% if a guest stays a week
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Scroll to 'Discount based on duration of stay'
  3. Click at the field next to 'Discount 1' and enter: -7%
  4. Enter 7 in the 'nights' field.
  5. Click 'Update'
  6. Check that the option works as you intended.
Can I have surcharge if a guest only books 1 night?
  1. Introduction: There is no direct option to create this but it can be done by setting the default price to the 1 night price and give a discount from 2 nights
  2. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  3. Scroll to 'Default price per night' and enter the desired price for 1 night
  4. Then scroll to 'Discount based on duration of stay'
  5. Click at the field next to 'Discount 1' and enter a percentual discount that matches your pricing.
    Price per night is 100 and your surcharge for 1 night is 25? Set default price 125 and use as Discount 1: -20% eff from 2 nights. Now your guests pay 100 per 1+ night.
    Tip: use the Percentage calculator
  6. Click 'Update'
  7. Check that the option works as you intended.
PAYPAL: How to find my PayPal ID
Instructions since sept 2023:
  1. Please login into your PayPal account at
  2. Go to 'Developer'
  3. Go to 'Apps & Credentials'
  4. Click the button 'Create App'
  5. Enter a name, for example 'bookaplace' and click the button 'Create app'
  6. Find your Client ID and copy it to a save place (your password database)
    Example: AXohA_ruhP-jTs7mN-f-zSmr3NvEVJCcJB-Tno8V50JYg-
  7. Enter this PayPal client-id in settings
If you have questions about these steps, please contact PayPal
Instructions for older accounts:
  1. Please login into your PayPal account at
  2. Go to 'Account settings'
  3. Go to 'Website payments'
  4. Find the section 'PayPal Buttons' and click at 'update'
  5. Click at 'Smart Buttons'
  6. Do not change anything and click at 'Copy Code'
  7. Paste the code from your clipboard to a text editor so you can read it.
  8. In the code search for the client-id=
  9. Copy the text that starts after client-id= and stops with the first & sign
  10. This is your client ID
    Example: AXohA_ruhP-jTs7mN-f-zSmr3NvEVJCcJB-Tno8V50JYg-
  11. Enter this PayPal client-id in settings
Add a surcharge of 10 € for each additional guest
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Scroll to 'Guest'
  3. Click at the field next to 'Extra costs from' and select the number of guests above which you want to impose a surcharge
  4. Add +10 in the next field.
  5. Select per night in the next field.
  6. Click 'Update'
  7. Check that the option works as you intended.
Add a surcharge of 100% during christmas
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Scroll to 'Price differences per season'
  3. Click on an empty line below 'Descr' and enter the description for this period
  4. Click in the 'From' field and enter the start date of this period
  5. Click in the 'To' field and enter the end date of this period
  6. Click in the 'Price night' field and enter: +100%
  7. Click 'Update'
  8. Check that the option works as you intended.
Only accept minimal 3 days (in a period/continuously)
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Scroll to 'Requirements per season'
  3. Click on an empty line below 'Descr' and enter the description for this period
  4. Click in the 'From' field and enter the start date of this period
    If you want to use this option continuously, enter '2022-08-23' (today)
  5. Click in the 'To' field and enter the end date of this period
    If you want to use this option continuously, enter '2025-12-31' (the future)
  6. Click in the 'Min nights' field and enter 3
  7. Click 'Update'
  8. Check that the option works as you intended.
Does it synchronize with ...
Yes, It fully supports iCal, both in import and export.
Bookings made on your site are exported in realtime and can be imported by systems like, AirBnB, VRNO, HomeAway, Tripadvisor, Flipkey etc.
Bookings made on other platforms are imported in the component on your site, the dates booked on other platforms will be shown as reserved/booked.
So double bookings are prevented automatically.
Regarding free personal Outlook/Gmail/Apple accounts: You can have the reservations read into your application by including the export url (see EXPORT/IMPORT in the dashboard) in your application. These free applications are usually too slow to be imported.
Read the requirements for automatic OTA synchronisation.
How to sync with Airbnb/Booking/Homeaway/Tripadvisor etc
  1. Click 'accommodations' and select an accommodation
  2. Scroll to 'Export/Import'
  3. Check the Export option and copy the url into the third party calendar.
  4. Check the Import option and the url that is supplied by the third party calendar.
  5. If you just started: please click the Update button at least once, to have the necessary files created.
More information is available at:
Does it sync automatically and at what interval?
Yes, it collects your new reservations every 15 minutes, day and night. And when someone books at your site it checks again, now in real-time, if the accommodation still is available.
Please read the requirements for automatic OTA syncing.
Can I use more than 1 source for syncing?
Yes, you can have up to 5 different OTA's per accommodation! So if you have 10 accommodations, you can have up to 50 different OTA's.

Our systems will collect all these sources every 15 minutes, day and night. That is 2400 per day and 74400 per month.

Please read the requirements for automatic OTA syncing.
What are the requirements for external iCal sources?
The requirements are:
  1. a valid url,
  2. a valid iCal format,
  3. future reservations only (not older than 3 months),
  4. accessible 24/7 and
  5. an access time of less than 500 ms.
Dashboard: new iCal source is not accepted
This warning is not an error in our software, but a warning that the file to be imported does not match our criteria.
If you specify a new source in the dashboard it has to be validated before you can continue.
If you have doubts about this check, you can use the following tools to see for yourself what is wrong with the resource.
TIP: Use the iCal Validator to see the actual content of the iCal file.
  1. A source with old reservations will not be accepted (older than 3 months) because
    1. it serves no purpose (nobody reserves a date in the past).
    2. the generally accepted practice is to use only future reservations for synchronisation.
      If you don't have the possibility to delete old reservations yourself, it is best to ask the resource provider to do this for you.
    3. It puts unnecessary burden on all systems involved.
  2. If the resource is rejected because it does not respond quickly enough (TTFB) then you can have this tested at
    Note: this only tests the server's response time, required is a full download within 500 ms. All well-known OTAs such as airBnB and Booking meet this requirement without any problems. requirement.
  3. Once the url is accepted, it will be requested every 15 minutes by the servers. These servers operate from multiple geographical locations and use data centres from AWS and Cloudflare network infrastructure.
Calendar is not updated...
If a booking made with third parties ( does not automatically appear in the calendar on your website, please check the following points:
  1. Third-party bookings will only be shown in the overview of your bookings in the dashboard, if you switched the option 'Show imported iCals' to ON.
  2. If the booking is also not visible in the calendar on your website, start with your browser, refresh the page that contains the calendar:
What is missing or not up to date? One booking or all bookings from this third party?
  1. One booking is missing/not up to date
    1. Try to find out with what frequency the third-party provider refreshes its bookings.
    2. If the third-party provider only exports bookings 4 times a day, it will take up to 6 hours before you see the booking in your calendar.
    3. Control yourself which bookings the third-party provider exports - see below the topic 'Checking an iCal export yourself'
  2. All bookings from this provider are missing/not up to date
    1. Check the url you entered in dashboard appears in the failure list (see below)
    2. If the url occurs it means that the provider has a problem making the bookings available. The reason is given.
      It is best to contact this provider and ask for an explanation.
    3. Use the iCal Validator to see the actual content of the iCal file.
N.B. If a resource does not meet the requirements, it cannot be shown, so no reservations from this source will be visible. Use the iCal Import update button in the dashboard to test your resources, or use the iCal Validator to see the content of any iCal file.
Check the status of your iCal imports and exports
Here you can check in real time when your iCal resources were last imported and exported.
Enter your account name (and if you have multiple apps the correct number) and click 'Get info'.
Get info
Automatic import every 15 minutes, see 'iCal sync failures' below.
Automatic export in real time on bookings via and on Sync from the dashboard.
Live: Errors during iCal synchronisations
If finds problems when retrieving third-party reservations then these are reported in public log files.
For privacy reasons, only the public failed url is published, so first look for the exact url you are using in the dashboard (tip: copy it to the clipboard) and and then search for it on the following pages:


Please note that we cannot improve the quality of externally provided iCal files, Please contact the company offering the files.
Check an iCal export yourself
  1. Use the iCal Validator to see the content of your iCal file.
  2. Control yourself which bookings the third-party provider exports by copying the url that you specified in the dashboard and copying and pasting it into your browser.
  3. An iCal file is then downloaded and saved on your PC. You then open that file with a text editor.
  4. Each booking starts with 'BEGIN:VEVENT'
    The booking starts on the date 'DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240717' - ie year 2024 month 07 and day 17
  5. If you cannot find a reservation, it means that the third party has not (yet) processed it.
Support options:

Found a bug?

Please click HELP in your dashboard and select SUPPORT to contact us.

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