Booking engine

Why use a booking engine?

View your own site as if you were a visitor.
Your visitors are spoiled by the ease of use of the big platforms. With you can offer the same eas of use, but without the excessive costs. On your own website!

No calendar nor booking engine:

graph TD A[Find list of accommodations] --> B[Open info about an accommodation] B --> C[Search for availability] C --> C1[No calendar?] C1 --> C3[Ask owner and wait.....] C3 --> Dn C3 --> E C --> Dn[Not available?] --> A C --> E[Available?] E --> F[Mail reservation to owner and wait.....] F --> F2[Confirmation by owner] F2 --> G[Arrange payments] G --> H[Wait final confirmation by owner] style C3 color:white,fill:red,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style F color:white,fill:red,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px


graph TD A[Enter the date in the well-known search bar] --> B[View the available accommodations] B --> C[Click the Book-now button] C --> D[Pay the deposit online] D --> E[Receive confirmation by mail]
Wait bounces 80% of your potential guests.
Direct booking site - French Tech Bordeaux Direct booking site - fabriqué en France

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LaDauze SAS, 24350 Montagrier, France
RCS Périgueux : 511 306 789 | TVA : FR15511306789
SAS au capital social de 10.000 euro